Innovative methods for increasing effectiveness of teaching English of 55+ learners

Erasmus+ Project

Key Action 2 –Strategic Partnerships

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Two products are ready for dissemination!

The Inmete team is proud and happy to announce that the final version of the first two outputs, the Resource Pack and the Lesson Plan, is ready! The introduction of Output 3, the curricula, is ready and everybody gave their precious contribuition in it.


  1. Wow! Congratulation! Who can use it? Can I receive it as well - I'm senior learner from Poland?

  2. Of course, as senior-learner you can use our products, although they were rather prepared as materials for teachers of English for seniors. If you attend a course on English you can encourage your teacher to download these materials. To receive our products please write to us:

  3. Congrats! Seems really good and funny:)
    Keep on going!!!!
